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Map and how to get to Tiree


Click on "whitehouse location" below for map of location of house. 

whitehouse location

Grid reference is 993 477

How to get to Tiree

Most visitors travel to Oban and catch the ferry from there. It is possible to fly from Glasgow Airport. Both ways are spectacular and fun. For further details follow links from the island links section of:

isle of tiree website

Flying over Iona to Tiree


Booking Ferries

The ferries to Tiree are getting much busier; we strongly suggest you book your ferries as soon as you decide to come rather than waiting for our 12 week reminder when the full rent is due.

There are now 2 ferries on Saturdays during the summer holidays; we are working on the assumption that parties will use the morning ferry to arrive and leave as regards timing their arrival and departure from the house

If you are coming in July check the Tiree Music Festival dates as this is the single busiest weekend of the year.

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